CD Jindal Group also undertake the Pile & Foundation Jobs ranging from 400 mm to 3000 mm dia such on Item Basis package Service helping clients to develop Engineering & provide solutions to execute their requirement in a cost and time effective. The Company offers the most current and thorough scope of development methods for the development of Piles and Diaphragm Walls and Ground Improvement works.
Jindal offers rational and moderate responses for meeting most ground conditions and assistant essentials to rise in the construction business. Jindal has consistently illustrated organization by presenting better & innovative ideas in the industry. We are expert in providing Foundation jobs which includes our services range as mentioned below:
- Bored Cast-in-situ RCC Piles – 500mm to 300mm
- Contiguous Bored Piles
- Soldier Piles
- King Post Piles
- Plunge Column
- Diaphragm Wall – 600mm to 1000mm Thick
- Driven RCC Piles – Precast / Cast-in-situ
- Sheet piles using Vibro Hammers
- Production of concrete with installation of dedicated plant
- Transportation of concrete through dedicated concrete mixers & pouring concrete with dedicated stationary pump / Boom Placers
- Civil works for various sub-structures of Power Projects, Road Projects etc.
- Casting and launching girders for fly-overs/bridges.