Along with the zest of delivering excellence, Jindal Infrastructure is deeply concerned for the safety of the environment. Giving the ecosystem a top priority, Jindal Infrastructure is committed to a “Full Compliance Culture.”All the activities at Jindal are executed through a highly efficient Safety, Health, Environmental and Quality (SHE-Q) Management System. All the employees form the length and breadth of the organization realize the significance of a balanced environment, through our exclusive training sessions, and sincerely observe SHE-Q as an integral part of their daily activities.
At Jindal Infrastructures, we believe in constant upgradation and development of our equipments. Hence, we strike a healthy balance and edify our employees with latest technologies and modernistic innovations, as and when required. Apart from that, we realise the importance of the safety and security of our employees and constantly endeavour to diminish the risk factors in our business by observing strict precautionary measures for each of our employees.
Along with experience, expertise and hard work, Jindal Infrastructure is known in the industry for its concern towards its employees that is above every policy, procedures, operations or functioning of business.